Communication System Design Laboratory  (BTE3232) - 2324 II updated on Feb 22nd, 2024

UMP Syllabus

In this laboratory class, we bridge the gap between textbooks and the real world, providing you with hands-on experiences that are essential for mastering communication systems. Hands-on experience is the key to understanding and excelling in the field of communication technology.
's not just about reading about communication systems; it's about building them, testing them, and making them work.

Learning Outcomes

There are 3 main outcomes targeted from this course:

Lesson Plan


Lecture Notes

Introduction to Radio Communication Systems     Video    TechTalk
Lab 5
SSB Modulator  Blog  Blog2
Lab 1
RF Oscillator  Blog
Lab 6
SSB Demodulator
Lab 2
Second Order Filter
Lab 7
FM Modulator
Lab 3
AM Modulator   
Lab 8
FM Demodulator      Blog
Lab 4
AM Demodulator   Blog2
Project Development
Global Classrooms Indonesia
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Jawa Timur



Laboratory 20 %
Project                   Instruction 20 %
Test 1 & 2 60 %