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The main inspiration of BMO is originated from the mating behavior of barnacles in nature. Barnacles are hermaphroditic micro-organisms which have both male and female sex reproductions. To create new off-springs, they must be fertilized by a neighbor. They are well-known for their long penises, about seven times the length of their bodies to cope with the changing tides and sedentary lifestyle. In BMO, the selection of barnacle’s parents is decided randomly by the length of barnacle’s penis to create new off-springs. The exploitation and exploration processes are the generation of new off-springs inspired by the Hardy-Weinberg principle and sperm cast situation, respectively.

List of publications:

New publication of BMO in Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence


Intelligence from the ocean: Barnacles way (

Mohd Herwan Sulaiman, Zuriani Mustaffa, Solving optimal power flow problem with stochastic wind–solar–small hydro power using barnacles mating optimizer, Control Engineering Practices, Volume 106, January 2021, 104672. ISI Impact Factor: 3.193 (Link)

Mohd Herwan Sulaiman, Zuriani Mustaffa, Ahmad Johari Mohamad, Mohd Mawardi Saari, Mohd Rusllim Mohamed, Optimal power flow with stochastic solar power using barnacles mating optimizer, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2021;e12858. ISI Impact factor: 1.692 (Link)

Mohd Herwan Sulaiman, Zuriani Mustaffa, Optimal power flow incorporating stochastic wind and solar generation by metaheuristic optimizers, Microsystem Technologies, 27, pages 3263–3277 (2021). ISI Impact Factor: 1.737 (Link)

Mohd Herwan SULAIMAN, Zuriani MUSTAFFA, Mohd Mawardi SAARI, Using the Barnacles Mating Optimizer for Economic Emission Load Dispatch Problems, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, Vol 2020, No 7, pp. 141-144. SCOPUS (Link).

Zuriani Mustaffa, Mohd Herwan Sulaiman, Mohamad Farhan Mohamad Mohsin, Yuhanis Yusof, Ferda Ernawan, Bariah Yusob, Noorhuzaimi Mohd Noor, An application of Barnacle Mating Optimizer in Infectious Disease Prediction: A Dengue Outbreak Cases, Iraqi Journal of Science, 2020, Vol. 61, No. 8, pp: 2132-2141. Abs./Ind.:SCOPUS (Link).

Mohd Herwan Sulaiman, Zuriani Mustaffa, Omar Aliman, An Application of Barnacles Mating Optimizer for Solving Economic Dispatch Problems, 2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT), April 9-11, 2019, Amman Jordan. (Link)

Mohd Herwan Sulaiman, Zuriani Mustaffa, Mohd Mawardi Saari, Hamdan Daniyal, Ismail Musirin, Mohd Razali Daud, Barnacles Mating Optimizer: An Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Optimization, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control & Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS 2018), Shah Alam Malaysia, October 20, 2018. (Link)

Mohd Herwan Sulaiman, Zuriani Mustaffa, Mohd Mawardi Saari, Hamdan Daniyal, Ahmad Johari Mohamad, Mohd Rizal Othman, Mohd Rusllim Mohamed, Barnacles Mating Optimizer for Optimization, 10th National Technical Seminar on Underwater System Technology (NUSYS'18), Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia, September 26-27, 2018. (Link)

Mohd Herwan Sulaiman, Zuriani Mustaffa, Mohd Mawardi Saari, Hamdan Daniyal, Mohd Razali Daud, Saifudin Razali, Amir Izzani Mohamed, Barnacles Mating Optimizer: A Bio-Inspired Algorithm for Solving Optimization Problems, 9th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence,Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2018), Busan, Korea, June 27-29, 2018. (Link)