N.H. Noordin, Exploring the Impact of
Arduino Robotics Instruction on Physical Computing and Programming Skills,
22nd International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics
(REM), Sept 2024, Jordan IEEExplore blog
N. H. Noordin, K. K. B. H. Abdullah,
and P. S. Eu, The Design and Implementation of UMP STEM Cube for
Environmental Monitoring, 22nd International Conference on Research and
Education in Mechatronics (REM), Sept 2024, Jordan IEEExplore blog
N.H. Noordin,
Empowering STEM Outreach Programs Through Collaborative Innovation, IEEE
Potentials - in press Nov 2024
N.H. Noordin,
Assessing Media Literacy Level for Underprivileged Community, JMLE - Journal
of Media Literacy Education, 16(2), 85-97.
N. H. Noordin, K. K. B. H. Abdullah,
and P. S. Eu, "Assessing the Effectiveness of UMP STEM Cube as a Tool for
Developing Digital Making Skill Sets," IEEE Transactions on Education, pp.
1-11, 2024, (https://doi.org/10.1109/TE.2024.3376448) Q1
N. H. Noordin, A. F. B. M. Rasidi, R. Samad, and M. S. A.
Karim, "UMP FPGA-Cube: An Ariel Monitoring System Design for Environmental
Surveillance Using FPGA," in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference
on Electrical, Control and Computer Engineering—Volume 2, Singapore, 2024,
pp. 277-288 (Springer
N. Hasan, N. H. Noordin, M. S. A. Karim, N. A. Talip, and
N. Z. A. B. Naharuddin, "Modelling of Miniaturized Rectangular Microstrip
Antenna Using Epoxy-Barium Titanate Nanocomposite Substrate for Wi-Fi
Applications," Singapore, 2024, pp. 385-395 (LNEE)
N. A. S. M. Atfan, R. Samad, N. R. H. Abdullah, M. Mustafa, N. H.
Noordin, and D. Pebrianti, "Analysis of AI-Powered Human Detection
Method for Social Distancing Monitoring," Singapore, 2024, pp. 237-251 (Springer
N. Mustafa, M. K. I. Tahir, N. S. I. Didik Aprianto, N. H. Noordin,
and M. S. Abdul Karim, "Design of 5 GHz H-Shaped Patch Antenna," Singapore,
2024, pp. 503-513 (Springer
M. I. F. Jamil, R. Samad, D. Pebrianti, M. Mustafa, N. R. H. Abdullah and N.
H. Noordin, "A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Models for the
Classification of Knee Osteoarthritis in X-Ray Images," 2024 9th
International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering (ICOM), Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, 2024, pp. 228-233 (IEEExplore)
M. Ateeq, A. P. P. Abdul Majeed, H. Hafizh, M. A. Mohd Razman, I. Mohd
Khairuddin, and N. H. Noordin, "A Feature-Based Transfer
Learning Method for Surface Defect Detection in Smart Manufacturing,"
Singapore, 2024, pp. 455-461 (Springer
Hasan, N.,
NH Noordin, Karim, M.S.A. et al. Dielectric properties of epoxy–barium titanate
composite for 5 GHz microstrip antenna design. SN Appl. Sci. 2, 62 (2020).
SN Shahab, BS Sumait, MK Awsaj, NH
Noordin, Null Steering Optimization Based Mvdr Beamformer Using
Firefly Algorithm For Adaptive Beamforming Application
Solid State Technology 63 (6), 9344-9359, 2020
S Ariffin, C Glahn, M Anshar, F Daud, T Kiong,
NH Noordin, A Kamsin, Early Investigation of the Impact of
Mobile Learning Ethics Student-Generated Activities for STEM Subjects in a
Local Malaysian University Context,
International Association of Online Engineering, 2020
R.Samad, M.Z.Rosli,
N.R.H.Abdullah, M.Mustafa, D.Pebrianti, N.H.Noordin,
"Classification of Transient Facial Wrinkle", Proceedings of the 10th
National Technical Seminar on Underwater System Technology Pg 391-403,
Springer 2019.
Noordin NH,
Hui AC, Hassan N, Samad R. Inter Vehicle Communication System for Collision
Avoidance. In Proceedings of the 10th National Technical Seminar on
Underwater System Technology 2018 2019 (pp. 475-483). Springer, Singapore.
Ting.J.H., Mustafa, M.,
Zahari, Z.L., Pebrianti, D., Zain, Z.M., Noordin, N.H. and
Abdubrani, R., 2019. Time-Frequency Analysis from Earthing Application. In
Proceedings of the 10th National Technical Seminar on Underwater System
Technology 2019 (pp. 421-436). Springer, Singapore.
Nurulfadzilah Hasan, Nur
Shahira Mat Hussain, Ahmad Afif Mohd Faudzi, Syamimi Mardiah Shaharum,
Nurhafizah Abu Talip Yusof, Noordin NH, Nur Alia Athirah
Mohtadzar, and Mohamad Shaiful Abdul KarimCured epoxy resin dielectric
characterization based on accurate waveguide technique, AIP Conference
Proceedings 2129, 020080 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5118088
N.H.Noordin, Z.Ibrahim, N. Hassan, "An Enhanced Simulated Kalman
Filter Algorithm and Its Application in Adaptive Beamforming", 2018 IEEE
International RF and Microwave Conference (RFM).
N. H. Noordin,
L. B. Hwa, N. Hassan, R. Samad and Z. Ibrahim, "An RF switching circuit
using PIN diode for a 2.4GHz frequency reconfigurable antenna," 2018 IEEE
Symposium on Computer Applications & Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE),
Penang, 2018, pp. 259-262 DOI: 10.1109/ISCAIE.2018.8405481
N.H. Noordin,
Z Ibrahim, MHJ Xie, R Samad, N Hasan, FPGA Implementation of Simulated
Kalman Filter Optimization Algorithm, Journal of Telecommunication,
Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), Volume 10, Issue 1-3, Pages
21-24, 2018
R Samad, LS Hee, M Mustafa,
D Pebrianti, NRH Abdullah, N.H. Noordin, Journal of
Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), Real-Time
Kinect Fingers Tracking and Recognition for Servo Gripper Controller, Volume
10, Issue 1-2 Pages 155-160, 2018
R Samad, PJ Hoe, M Mustafa,
NRH Abdullah, D Pebrianti, N.H. Noordin, Comparison of
Filtering Methods for Extracting Transient Facial Wrinkle Features, Journal
of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), Volume 10,
Issue 1-3, Pages 99 - 104, 2018S
N Shahab, AR Zainun,
N.H. Noordin, I Ibrahim, Performance Comparison of
Nature-inspired Optimization Algorithms Applied to MVDR Technique for
Canceling Multiple Access Interference Signals, Volume 8, Issue 1, Indian
Journal of Science and Technology 8, 2018
N.H.Noordin, Z.Ibrahim, K.H.Abas, Adaptive Beamforming Algorithm
Based on A Simulated Kalman Filter, International Journal of Simulation,
Systems, Science & Technology, Volume 18, Number 4, December 2017,
Nottingham Trent University, UK.
M.Mustafa, N.S.A.Rahman,
R.Samad, N.Sulaiman, N.R.H.Abdullah, N. H.Noordin, A.A.Hadi,
S.N.A.S.Ahmad, "Initial Experiment of Muscle Fatigue During Driving Game
Using Electromyography", 2017 IEEE 7th International Conference on System
Engineering & Technology (ICSET2017).
S.N.Shahab, A.R.Zainun,
H.A. Ali, M. Hojabri, N.H.Noordin, MVDR algorithm based
linear antenna array performance assessment for adaptive beamforming
application, Journal of Engineering Science & Technology, 2017, Vol. 12, No.
5, 1366 - 1385, Taylor’s University.
N.H.Noordin, Z.Ibrahim, M.F.M.Jusof, A.A.M.Faudzi, N.Subari, and
K.Z.M.Azmi, An Opposition-Based Simulated Kalman Filter Algorithm for
Adaptive Beamforming, IEEE ICASI 2017, Sapporo, Japan.
N. H. Noordin
and H. W. Ney, "Localization in wireless sensor network for forest fire
detection," 2016 IEEE 3rd International Symposium on Telecommunication
Technologies (ISTT), Kuala Lumpur, 2016, pp. 87-90.
S. N. Shahab, A. R. Zainun,
N. H. Noordin, I. I. Mohamed and W. D. Abdullah, "Null
steering Optimization based MVDR beamformer using hybrid PSOGSA approach for
antenna array system," 2016 IEEE Student Conference on Research and
Development (SCOReD), Kuala Lumpur, 2016, pp. 1-6S
N Shahab, AR Zainun, SS
Balasim, NH Noordin, II Mohamed, Evaluation of Minimum
Variance Distortionless Response Beamforming Algorithm Based Circular
Antenna Arrays, Modern Applied Science, Canadian Center of Science and
Education, Vol. 11, No. 1, ISSN 1913-1844 E-ISSN 1913-1852.
SN Shahab, AR Zainun, II
Mohamed, NH Noordin, The Impact of Noise Label on
Beampattern and SINR of MVDR Beamformer, Int'l Journal of Computing,
Communications & Instrumentation Engg. (IJCCIE) Vol. 3, Issue 1 (2016) ISSN
2349-1469 EISSN 2349-1477S.
N. Sahab, A.R. Zainun,
N. H. Noordin, S. S. Balasim, Assessment of MVDR Adaptive
Beamforming Algorithm in Uniform Linear Arrays, Uniform Rectangular Arrays
and Uniform Circular Arrays Configurations, ARPN Journal of Engineering and
Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 6, 3911-3917, 2016.S.
N. Sahab, A.R. Zainun, I.
I. Mohamed, N. H. Noordin, The Impact of Noise Label on
Beampattern and SINR of MVDR Beamformer, International Journal of Computing,
Communications & Instrumentation Eng.(IJJCIE), Vol. 3, Issue 1 (2016) ISSN
2349-1469 EISSN 2349-1477.
S. N. Sahab, A.R. Zainun,
N. H. Noordin, Evaluating the Impact of SNOIs on SINR and
Beampattern of MVDR Adaptive Beamforming Algorithm, 3rd International
Conference on Mathematical Sciences & Computer Engineering, Indian Journal
of Science and Technology 2016.
N. H. Noordin,
A. A. Hadi, Z. Ali, The Development and Analysis of Concept Inventory for
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Undergraduate Courses, 6th Regional
Conference on Engineering Education 2016, Proceeding 1, Kuala Lumpur, 9 - 10
August 2016, 978-967-0194-65-3.
Z. Ali, N. H.
Noordin, N.N. Muhammad, Engineering Students’ perceived Usefulness
and Attitudes toward VocBlast in Learning Specialized Vocabulary,
International Conference on Multidisciplinary Method and Model 2016, Johor,
25-27 August 2016.
K. Lazarus, N. H.
Noordin, K.Z. M. Azmi, Z. Ibrahim, Adaptive Beamforming Algorithm
based on Generalized Opposition-based Simulated Kalman Filter, National
Conference for Postgraduate Research 2016, Pekan Pahang, 24-25 September
K. Lazarus, N. H.
Noordin, Z. Ibrahim, Adaptive Beamforming Algorithm Based on
Simulated Kalman Filter, 8th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering -
CEEC'16, Essex, UK, September 2016.
S. N. Sahab, A.R. Zainun,
N. H. Noordin, S. S. Balasim, A. J. Mohamad, K. A. Khaldoon,
Performance Analysis of Smart Antenna Based on MVDR Beamformer Using
Rectangular Antenna Array, Conference On Electrical, Control And Computer
Engineering (InECCE 2015), 27-28 October 2015, Gambang, Malaysia.
S. N. Sahab, A.R. Zainun,
N. H. Noordin, S. S. Balasim, Assessment of MVDR Adaptive
Beamforming Algorithm in Uniform Linear Arrays, Uniform Rectangular Arrays
and Uniform Circular Array Configurations, Malaysian Technical Universities
Conference on Engineering and Technology (MUCET 2015), 11-13 October 2015,
Johor, Malaysia.
N. Z. Naharudin, N.
H. Noordin, Multiband UWB Trapezoidal Antenna Using U and Pi-Shaped
Slots, 2015 International Workshop on Electromagnetics: Application and
Student Innovation (iWEM), Hsinchu, Taiwan, November 16-18, 2015.
N. Z. Naharudin, N.
H. Noordin, UWB Trapezoidal Antenna with Band-Notch
Characteristics, 2015 International Workshop on Electromagnetics:
Application and Student Innovation (iWEM), Hsinchu, Taiwan, November 16-18,
N. S. Darmawati, N.
H. Noordin, The Implementation of Indoor Child Monitoring System
using Trilateration Approach, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied
Sciences, pp. 9830 - 9834.
N. H. Noordin, Tughrul Arslan, Brian W. Flynn, Ahmet
T. Erdogan, Ahmed O. El-Rayis, Single-port Beamforming System for 3-faceted
Phased Array Antenna, IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letter, pp.
813-816, 2013. Q1
N. H. Noordin, Tughrul Arslan, Brian W. Flynn, Ahmet
T. Erdogan, Faceted Arrays for Adaptive Beamforming Application, IEEE
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2013), London, UK,
September 8-11, 2013.
N. H. Noordin, Tughrul Arslan, Brian W. Flynn, Low
Sidelobe Level Synthesis Technique for Faceted Arrays, 7th European
Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2013), Gothenburg, Sweden,
April 8-12, 2013, pp. 592 - 596.
N. H. Noordin, T. Arslan, B. W. Flynn, and A. T.
Erdogan, Low-cost Antenna Array with Wide Scan Angle Property, IET
Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 6, pp. 1717-1727, 2012.
N. H. Noordin, Nakul Haridas, Ahmed O. El-Rayis, Ahmet
T. Erdogan, Tughrul Arslan, Antenna Array with Wide Angle Scanning
Properties, 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation Prague (EuCAP
2012), Czech Republic, March 26-29, 2012, pp. 1636 - 1640.
N. H. Noordin, W. Zhou, Nakul Haridas, Ahmed O. El-Rayis,
Ahmet T. Erdogan, Tughrul Arslan, Single-Feed Polarization Reconfigurable
Patch Antenna, Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
(APSURSI 2012), Chicago, Illinois, USA July 8-14, 2012, pp. 1 - 2.
N. H. Noordin, Ahmet T. Erdogan, Brian Flynn, Tughrul
Arslan, Low Side Lobe Level Synthesis for Linear Faceted Adaptive Array
Antennas, Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference 2012 (LAPC 2012),
Loughborough, UK, November 12-13, 2012.
N. H. Noordin, Ahmet T. Erdogan, Brian Flynn, Tughrul
Arslan, Compact Directional Patch Antenna with Slotted Ring for LTE
Frequency Band, Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference 2012 (LAPC
2012), Loughborough, UK, November 12-13, 2012.
N. H. Noordin, Yan Chiew Wong, Ahmet T. Erdogan, Brian
Flynn, Tughrul Arslan, Meandered Inverted-F Antenna for MIMO Mobile Devices,
Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference 2012 (LAPC 2012),
Loughborough, UK, November 12-13, 2012.
Rahmat Sanudin, N. H. Noordin, Tughrul Arslan, DOA
Estimation Using Modified Covariance Matrix, Loughborough Antennas &
Propagation Conference 2012, Loughborough, UK, November 12-13, 2012.
N. H. Noordin, Ahmed O.
El-Rayis, Nakul Haridas, Ahmet T. Erdogan, Tughrul
Arslan, Triangular Lattices for Mutual Coupling Reduction in Patch
Antenna Arrays, Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference 2011 (LAPC
2011), Loughborough, UK, November 14-15, 2011, pp. 1-4.
N. H. Noordin, Virgilio
Zuniga, Ahmed O. El-Rayis, Nakul Haridas, Ahmet T.
Erdogan, Tughrul Arslan, Uniform Circular Arrays
for Phased Array Antenna, Loughborough Antennas &
Propagation Conference 2011 (LAPC 2011),
Loughborough, UK, November 14-15, 2011, pp. 1-4.
Wei Zhou, N. H. Noordin, Nakul Haridas, Ahmed O. El-Rayis, Ahmet T.
Erdogan, Tughrul Arslan, A WiFi/4G Compact Feeding
Network for an 8-Element Circular Antenna Array,
Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference
2011 (LAPC 2011), pp. 1-4, Loughborough, UK, November
14-15, 2011.
Rahmat Sanudin, N. H. Noordin, Ahmed O. El-Rayis, Nakul Haridas, Ahmet T.
Erdogan and Tughrul Arslan, Analysis of DOA Estimation for
Directional and Isotropic Antenna Arrays, Loughborough
Antennas & Propagation Conference 2011 (LAPC 2011), pp. 1-4, Loughborough,
UK, November 14-15, 2011.
Rahmat Sanudin,
N. H. Noordin, Ahmed O. El-Rayis, Nakul Haridas, Ahmet T.
Erdogan and Tughrul Arslan, Capon-Like DOA Estimation
Algorithm for Directional Antenna Arrays,
Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference
2011 (LAPC 2011), pp. 1-4, Loughborough, UK, November
14-15, 2011.
Haoyu Zhang, N. H. Noordin, Ahmet T. Erdogan, Tughrul Arslan, Smart
Antenna Array for Brain Cancer Detection,
Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference
2011 (LAPC 2011), pp. 1-4, Loughborough, UK, November
14-15, 2011.
Yan Chiew Wong,
N. H. Noordin, Ahmed O. El-Rayis, Nakul Haridas, Ahmet T.
Erdogan, Tughrul Arslan, An Evaluation of 2-phase
Charge Pump Topologies with Charge Transfer Switches
for Green Mobile Technology, 20th IEEE International
Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2011), pp.
136-140, Poland, Jun 27-30, 2011.